Bravo Bethlehem Surface Mix Bench Burner
The new low-pressure, stainless steel Bravo Bench Burner was designed specifically with the needs of the artistic flameworker in mind. A dual-purpose torch, it will work easily with both soft and borosilicate glass. Bethlehem’s Bravo is one of the hottest new torches on the market today! Made with the precision and quality of all Bethlehem burners, the Bravo’s output is surface- mixed and whisper-soft. By varying the atmosphere of your flame, you can use your torch like a fiery paintbrush for shading and highlights. The razor-sharp center is excellent for creating small details. For marbles, sculpting, and vessels, this sleek new torch is both cost-effective and fuel-efficient.
The bravo bench burner features: All stainless steel construction that stays cool while the flame is super hot. An improved design replacing our popular Barracuda Burner.
A unique design that allows for a higher volume of fuel at a lower inlet pressure- 15 cu. ft./hr. at only 2 psi. Can also operate on household gas (1/4 psi) and oxygen concentrators (7 psi)
- Burner Configuration Center fire – 6 jets; Outer fire – 12 gas jets
- Works Rod – 1” (26 mm); Tube – 38mm
- Full Flame Gas Consumption Gas: 2 psi; 15 cu. ft./hr. (425 l/hr.); Oxygen: 8 psi; 66 cu. ft./hr. (1867 l/hr.)
- Hose Connection Threaded “B” fittings
- Construction Stainless steel body with black enamel base
- Dimensions 6” Long with a 6’ base Net Weight 3 1/2 lbs.
- Torch Cleaning Kit (Included with Burner) Kit includes a wooden dowel striker, two wires for gas ports cleaning, a wire brush and instructions
RECOMMENDED OPERATING PRESSURES: 2 psi of Gas and 8 psi of Oxygen
SKU: 25-0021